According to a new survey carried out by Timewise, four in 10 UK workers would love to work flexibly.  It will be interesting to see how organisations adapt to the employees requests for flexible working.  As of 30 June, any UK employee with 26 weeks of service will be able to apply for flexible working and their employer will have to reasonably consider their request.

We wonder what plans People Professionals have to ensure that flexible working requests are handled effectively.  There are naturally some concerns.

What if everyone will want to work from home?

According to a survey commissioned by Croner, a Wolters Kluwer company, only 26% of British workers say they are likely to request flexible working. Flexible working does not always mean home working, some people may request a slight change in their hours to make their commute easier, some people may ask for compressed hours or more holidays. Each case should be considered on its own merits and employers have the right to deny a request.

Results from Universum poll

Results from Universum poll

What if people aren’t as productive at home?

A poll carried out by Universum showed that only 13% of people believe that those working from home work less. 61% believe they work more and only 26% believed that there was no difference. The truth is, when you show your employees a bit of leeway when it comes to their working schedule, they’ll thank you by giving more back when it comes to working.    It’s all a game of give and take! Read our blog on this here.

Not everything can be done remotely, what happens then?  

If someone has requested to work from home, but their role requires them to be at the office, then it is fair for the request to be denied. When denying a request though, make sure you have considered all the options and documented the decision process. Have a formal discussion with the employee about why the request has been denied so that they understand your decision.

What happens if people keep requesting more flexibility?

Employees will only be able to submit a request for flexible working once every 12 months. This applies when the request has been denied as well. This measure ensures that employers are not taken advantage of and also that employees are able to request again if circumstances change.

So how do I handle a request for flexible working?

1. Make sure you have a flexible working policy in place

It is very likely that you will have requests for flexible working after 30 June so make sure you have a flexible working policy in place before then. This should state:

  • The process by which each request will be considered
  • How long the process will take
  • The procedures in place for appealing a decision

2. Take the time to consider each request carefully

Each request should be considered on its own merits and not on a first-come-first-served basis. The questions you should ask when considering a request are:

  • Is it a reasonable request?
  • Does their role accommodate remote working or shortened/changed hours?
  • Will this request affect someone else’s?
  • Is it within the company’s power to approve this request?

3. Document the process

Employees will want to know why their request has been denied, so it is important to document each step of the decision process so that they know that their request has been given fair consideration. This will be essential if the employee wishes to raise a grievance against you because of your decision.

To understand more about what to expect from these changes – download the report carried out by Croner here.

We are delighted to be partnering with asb Law to offer a flexible programme in Employment Law which will be a great help to you when dealing will flexible working requests. The first workshop is on 9 July and delegates have the option to simply attend the workshops to brush up their knowledge or go the extra mile and gain a CIPD Advanced Cullen ScholefieldAward in Employment Law. This is a very flexible programme and the workshop dates will run again if diary commitments keep you away. Read more about it and book your place here.

The important things to remember about flexible working are the benefits.  Flexible working has been shown to increase productivity, reduce sickness and overall improve the mood of a company.  Cullen Scholefield has always supported flexible working and we believe that our people are more committed to us as a result.