We are proud parents once more bragging about our wonderful candidates who have completed their qualifications. This

Candidate of the Year Award

Candidate of the Year Award

time we are talking about our lovely candidates from the Isle of Man.

As you may already know, our team here at Cullen Scholefield have been warmly welcomed by the Isle of Man for over fourteen years and we look forward to basking in their hospitality for many years to come!

In return for the Isle of Man’s HR community’s willingness and determination to work with us, we make sure we bring our celebrations to them each year as a thank you for their continuous hospitality. In January we celebrated the success of our Island candidates at the Sefton Hotel. There were people from all ends of the spectrum, those at the beginning of their careers getting their CIPD Foundation Level Three Qualification and those who have climbed so far up the HR ladder that they are knocking on that Fellowship door with their CIPD Advanced Level Seven qualification in hand.

Maureen and Carol were proud to present their candidates with their certificates in front of the Isle of Man’s other HR professionals; they were even prouder to be able to present two very deserving candidates with two special awards.

The first was the Greta Paul Award which was donated by Iris Belshaw who used to be the Chair of the Isle of Man branch of the CIPD. This honour was awarded to Kirsty Dewar for being Student of the Year.

Kirsty Dewar - Student of the Year

Kirsty Dewar – Student of the Year

Kirsty has received a promotion since she completed her Level Three Certificate in Human Resources Practice. She now holds the role of HR Assistant Advisor at the Isle of Man Government in the Office of Human Resources. She was over the moon when she was presented with the Greta Paul Award.

“I was shocked; I never expected to receive this award! I have worked hard but I know that everyone else has worked equally as hard as me.”

Kirsty was awarded the Greta Paul because she showed an exceptional level of effort and a commitment to her continuous professional development, which is of course, what Cullen Scholefield cherishes most.

“Continuous professional development is very close to my heart. Once I finished my Level Three, I wanted to progress further in my career so moving on to the Level Five seemed the natural thing to do.”

Kirsty is making great progress in her Level Five Intermediate qualification and we look forward to celebrating with her again next year.

The second award was Cullen Scholefield’s Candidate of the Year Award which was awarded to Lisa Davis-Goff.

Lisa Davis-Goff- Candidate of the Year

Lisa Davis-Goff- Candidate of the Year

Lisa completed her Level Seven Diploma in Human Resources Management and has since started a new role at Zurich International. She was the first Cullen Scholefield candidate on the Isle of Man to complete the qualification under the CIPD’s new standards. Like Kirsty, she was very modest about receiving the award.

“I felt a lot of gratitude as winning the award came as a complete surprise.”

Lisa was awarded the Candidate of the Year Award because she was able to balance both her busy work and personal lives around completing her qualification under the new standards. She was very grateful to Cullen Scholefield for the level of support that she received. We do, after all, like to take care of our candidates!

“I had a very good experience with Cullen Scholefield the whole way through my qualification so I am a strong advocate for what they have to offer.”

We are very proud of both Lisa and Kirsty and look forward to seeing what they do next now that they have their CIPD qualifications in hand!

We also have to thank Tom Moran who interviewed several of our candidates in order to produce some wonderfully celebratory videos and also Ray Collister who documented the evening with his stunning photography.  One video has been uploaded but there is also one still to come so keep your eyes peeled and don’t miss out!

While all of our 2013 completers’ accomplishments are outstanding, there is one more accomplishment that must be celebrated…

That is the Cullen Scholefield team’s survival of Dry January! We fought long and hard and came out the other side victorious. A few of us may have stumbled and tripped along the way but ultimately we have to congratulate Maureen who not only didn’t slip up once but also raised £100 single-handedly for her efforts. We have to thank our anonymous donor who donated £50 right at the start and promised to double it if Maureen remained tee-total throughout.

Overall we raised a hefty £255 including Gift Aid for Alcohol Concern and we are puffing out our chests with pride.

We are now walking away from the wagon and straight to the pub. We deserve it!