Maureen on Birthday This week has been a bit festive for us all at Cullen Scholefield as it is Maureen’s birthday! In true Maureen style, she doesn’t take the ‘day’ in birthday too seriously and we’ve been celebrating all week and I imagine she will continue to do so until late Sunday night.

A consequence of this is that we’re just too festive to be able to put on our blog hats this week and we figured you wouldn’t mind if we just dedicate this blog to the loveliness of birthdays.

Celebrating your people’s birthdays at work can make a real difference to their morale. Gathering everyone to sing happy birthday and have a slice of cake makes employees feel valued and it is the easiest way to inject a bit of fun into the work day.

Talking to friends at other organisations, I know how they dread the circulation of the cake collection tin, especially if they are in big companies. “Not again,” they say or, “I’m putting on so much weight,” they moan. You can guarantee however, that by the time their birthday comes around, they are so happy to see the effort put in by everyone around them to make them feel a bit more special on their special day.

dsc_0066My birthday was earlier this month and it did brighten my day to see cake and a card waiting for me. As my birthday was actually on the Sunday, it meant a lot that they remembered to celebrate and I was happy that I was able to extend my celebrations too.  I don’t take the ‘day’ in birthday seriously either.

photoThis week Maureen is not only celebrating her birthday with us, her lovely employees at Cullen Scholefield, but she also celebrated with our local business association which she chairs. Never one to let any opportunity pass her by, she seized on the monthly networking event as a chance to celebrate and bring even more people together.

Despite the blustery remains of Hurricane Bertha we braved the outdoor garden of the local bar and everyone had a merry time, some more than most admittedly…

If you’re looking to raise company morale a bit then there is no faster way than celebrating your employees’ birthdays or even your clients’ birthdays. Our candidates are our family so we try and send everyone a card with a little something from us on their birthday, so keep your eyes peeled for our signature pink envelopes!

Another thing to keep your eyes opened for is our next round of Circle of Peers which is kicking off in September!