Travelling always gives you the opportunity to reflect, perhaps this is one of the reasons I am happy to travel and Gibraltar has been a regular haunt of mine since we have been developing People Professionals here for nearly three years.

In those early days I came across the Gibraltar HR Forum and was impressed by the energy and enthusiasm they showed.  Talking to members of the committee I discovered that they really aspired to be recognised as a branch by the CIPD.  In the 28 years that we have been a CIPD centre I have got to know a few people in CIPD, so I made some gentle enquiries.   It was then great to link up the enthusiastic Cheryl Myles, Head of Branch Development with Lourdes Barea,  HR Director of Bassedone.  Lourdes was at that time the Chair of the HR Forum.  The rest is now history!

So it was delightful to be asked to go to York in June for dinner by CIPD and even more delightful to be told that I had been selected for an award – Volunteer Local Leader in recognition of my contribution to the CIPD.  Peter Cheese was his usual charismatic self but this time he was talking about me.  Praise and recognition is always valued, but being on the receiving end is embarrassing – nicely so!

It seemed fitting to go public on this whilst in Gibraltar, so it was good to link up with the new Chair of the CIPD Gibraltar Branch – Lesley Louise on Tuesday and then to also announce it again at our Circle of Peers session on Wednesday.

But that is not all the celebrating and travelling I have been doing recently.  Last week Carol and I went to Henley with some of our clients and our anchors – Vicki who tries valiantly to keep me grounded and Gina who supports our candidates by sitting on the mywork inbox as well as numerous other tasks.  It was lovely to take them out to meet clients and also to just have a fun day out. A very special day for all of us!

So my message is to celebrate whenever and wherever you can, as it really raises the spirits and this then renews and revitalises us all!