Consistency and change – how can these be compatible?

It is strange how something can trigger a train of thought! Let me explain… Cullen Scholefield has supported Comic Relief right from the start, I was delighted to get an eMail from them last week. Here comes the consistency bit – they are relentless in their passion to promote their laudable causes AND they have fun.

For me consistency is critical for People Professionals – our people need to know that we are supporting them in a consistent manner. If we put this back to Cullen Scholefield we have decided to do a blog and come hell or high water it comes out on Thursday – we are consistent!

If you look at the definition of consistency some good words come up:
Orderliness, dependability, evenness, steadiness, stability, constancy, regularity, uniformity, dependability, reliability. These are very attractive words for everyone, but not all the time as we certainly would not want to move towards a more rigid application of the word in terms of
lack of change and lack of deviation.

So here is the point, Cullen Scholefield is consistent in our:

  • Approach to business planning
  • Passion to involve our people in that planning
  • Commitment to reviewing the plans – this happens four times a year
  • Appreciation of our team’s preferences
  • Flexible approach to working
  • Capacity to embrace change – there is a rumour that this is what keeps us young!
  • Determination to have fun at work and outside work – last night’s team dinner was a classic example!
  • Commitment to Investors in People

So in the spirit of our commitment to fun – click here…